Governance report / 4th June 2024

Funding for CYBRO dApp and website development, services, and marketing

The CYBRO team intends to use a portion of the funds from the Pre-Sale, amounting to approximately 27,000 USDT, to cover the following expenses:

  1. Development of the CYBRO dApp:

    1. Payment for the smart contract development

    2. Payments to the development team for the development of the front-end and back-end

    3. Payments to the external design team

  2. Marketing:

    1. Payment for current marketing expenses

  3. Support for the CYBRO website

    1. Payments to external contractors for front-end and back-end development

    2. Payments to external design team

  4. SMM (Social Media Management):

    1. Payments to community managers

    2. Payments to the SMM designer

    3. Payments for incentive prizes

We have deducted:

  1. 39 BNB from the Pre-Sale wallet 0xE450278A590E3785DA2D42AE979D0F36f2Cf9E2e to the operational wallet 0xF9D3f0c2dD84b1b102534df535E93AC19DbA936d

Transaction hash: 0x9ce6a3c431532adad062daca1774f0969228a464b766763247fdf8037e13cb3e

CryptoCrouton CYBRO Project Lead

Last updated