Governance report / 15th May 2024

Funding for CYBRO dApp and marketing

The CYBRO team intends to use a portion of the funds from the Pre-Sale, amounting to approximately 50,546 USDT, to cover the following expenses:

  1. Development of the CYBRO dApp:

    1. Development of the smart contracts

    2. Development of the dApp front-end

    3. Payments to the external design team

  2. Marketing:

    1. Payment for current marketing expenses

  3. Support for the CYBRO website

    1. Payments to external contractors for front-end development

    2. Payments to external design team

We have deducted:

  1. 21,000 USDT in USDT ERC-20 from the Pre-Sale wallet 0xaeeF302Db6E2Cfc380ECc2C495c1EBAdDd7c54dE to the operational wallet 0xF9D3f0c2dD84b1b102534df535E93AC19DbA936d

Transaction hash: 0x9e853083400e54471b24567dd478029cf4ddbf12e13d9e50fc2992defb0b7c19

  1. 6,000 USDT in USDT BEP-20 from the Pre-Sale wallet 0xE450278A590E3785DA2D42AE979D0F36f2Cf9E2e to the operational wallet 0xF9D3f0c2dD84b1b102534df535E93AC19DbA936d

Transaction hash: 0x02b6489e2900a051ce60dcdf42b8062107fd4be27513b6df022120b584696366

  1. 6 BNB from the Pre-Sale wallet 0xE450278A590E3785DA2D42AE979D0F36f2Cf9E2e to the operational wallet 0xF9D3f0c2dD84b1b102534df535E93AC19DbA936d

Transaction hash: 0xe45eaf41fb1a2941297f723633cd244491b345af1f24b89978b958002857c26f

  1. 20,000 MATIC from the Pre-Sale wallet 0xE450278A590E3785DA2D42AE979D0F36f2Cf9E2e to the operational wallet 0xF9D3f0c2dD84b1b102534df535E93AC19DbA936d

Transaction hash: 0x3f91032df98868fbe19045c59c31630ca6593813f84340ee111916c8733539f8

  1. 21,000 USDT Polygon from the Pre-Sale wallet 0xE450278A590E3785DA2D42AE979D0F36f2Cf9E2e to the operational wallet 0xF9D3f0c2dD84b1b102534df535E93AC19DbA936d

Transaction hash: 0xa0c3687a4635e747cde2088228aa96e040d66b2df57a6edd5487aad0d61adf2e

CryptoCrouton CYBRO Project Lead

Last updated